Shimano SM-BH90 Connecting Bolt With Olive And Insert


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    This Shimano hose connection set fits the SM-BH90 brake hose (various versions) in combination with the disc brakes listed below. It consists of a compression nut (black), an insert pin and an olive.


    - BR-M9000
    - BR-M9020
    - BR-M9120
    - BR-M9110-R
    - BR-M985
    - BR-M987
    - BR-M820
    - BR-M8100
    - BR-M8120
    - BR-M8110-R
    - BR-M8000
    - BR-M8020
    - BR-M785
    - BR-M7100
    - BR-M7120
    - BR-M7110-R
    - BR-M7000
    - BR-M675
    - BR-M666
    - BR-M640
    - BR-M6100
    - BR-M6120
    - BL-U8000
    - BL-T785
    - BL-T8100
    - BL-T8000
    - BR-S700
    - BR-R9270
    - BR-R9170
    - BR-R8170
    - BR-R8070
    - BR-R7170
    - BR-R7070
    - BR-4770
    - BR-RX820
    - BR-RX810
    - BR-RX400
    - BR-RX820-LE
    - BL-RX812
    - SM-BH90-SBM
    - SM-BH90-SB
    - SM-BH90-SBLS
    - SM-BH90-SBS
    - SM-BH90-JK-SSR


    - 1 x connector / compression nut Shimano
    - 1 x Shimano olive
    - 1 x Shimano insert pin
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